Leading Staffing Solutions

Solutions For Your Staffing Needs

Matching Talent With Opportunity

Delivering exceptional results for Southern California Job Seekers and Employers. Your Career is our top priority.

Hire. Train. Retain.


Partner with the top light industrial, hospitality and business services recruiters in Southern California.

Do you need to build a more flexible workforce? Have critical positions to fill? Are you looking for ways to reduce hiring risks? Leading Staffing Solutions can provide the resources and service you need. As experts in both the local labor market and the unique challenges of conducting business in California, we can be a true partner in your success.

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Seek. Apply. Get Hired.

Job seekers

Find a Great New Job!
Leading Staffing Solutions partners with employers throughout the Southern California area who are hiring for office, hospitality, and light industrial jobs.

Whether you’re looking for a new opportunity, better pay, or a chance to get the attention of your dream employer, we want to be your partner in success. As one of the top permanent and temp job placement agencies in SoCal, we’ve earned the trust of job seekers throughout the region.

We exist to help you get you new job!


What Our Clients Say

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"Thank you, Sandra for taking the time to work with me and see to it that I get a job that made sense and is now a new calling for me. I want to continue on this path and build a career out of it. Again, thank you Leading Staffing Solutions."
latina, woman, smile
Michelle Palacios
"My business was losing hundreds of dollars weekly on job interviews and then Covid hit. We didn't know how to manage the walk-ins with the new recruits. A friends of mine suggested I call in and let the professionals handle it for me. I did and I'm glad to say the least. From this, I've got 5 new employees who are more than qualified and I haven't had to do another interview in the last 6 months. Thank you, Leading staff!"
man, people, adult
Juan Torres
" 2 days after submitting my resumé I had 3 interviews. Impressive! I'm glad I was one of the lucky ones who was able to work through this pandemic. I didn't take it for granted and I know it wouldn't have been possible without you guys."
boy, young people, wagon
Jacob Hernandez